10:05 AM
Breakfast for today is the aromatic flavor of my Arm & Hammer toothpaste, the word of god, and hopefully some Frosted Flakes.
5:03 PM
Just beat Amygdala in the Cursed Pthumerian Defilement. Amygdalae are so much harder to kill when they have 10x the health and you have half health. I never hated it once though.
6:40 PM
I just ate a chicken sandwich that was so bad it made me feel like 4 hours have passed. I had the mushroom jack chicken sandwich from texas roadhouse. It could have been a good sandwich but the chicken was so bad that I gave up trying to eat it. I was in disbelief. How do you mess up chicken. It was flavorless. So basically all I ate was a buttered roll and a bunch of steak fries. Oil and Carbs FTW
Anyway I've been playing Bloodborne, Going through the Isz Gravestone right now. Super cool atmosphere. I need to show it to April because I know she'd love it.
9:08 PM
I beat Isz Ebrietas earlier. Actually pretty cool fight. The first time I fought her in the main game, I kind of cheesed the fuck out of her. I used bolt paper and Ludwig's Holy Blade, and somehow stayed behind her for the majority of the fight. I just R2 stabbed her over and over and the fight was over as soon as it began.
I don't know how soon I want to start the final chalice dungeon. The end is so close.