1:42 PM
Hiii bloggies!!! (My fanbase) I just got done working out and showering so I feel great at the moment. I want to play some more Bloodborne right now. I'm at Micolash on NG+2 right now. I stopped playing last night at like... 1 AM I think so I could have sex with my girlfriend. Just kidding but she would regardless of Bloodborne or any other circumstances because she likes me.
Something I've been thinking about a lot is getting some sports bras because... you immediately would get it if you also have boobs. My tits hurt on the treadmill because they're just too big. I don't care if that's TMI it's the fucking truth! I'm going to have to expand my wardrobe a bit. I wouldn't mind getting some normal bras as well I just... absolutely need some support if I plan on exercising on the treadmill every day (which I do).
3:32 PM
Currently having the worst bout of hiccups in my life as I'm trying to kill Micolash. No matter how much water I drink or how long I hold my breath my diaphragm is trying so hard to pump me full of air.
4:01 PM
And with that I have the Bloodborne platinum trophy. This game rocks my fucking world and I definitely see myself playing it more after this.
Yayy!!! I love this game pic.twitter.com/wkWT7xoR9h
— Spiral Coin (@windowsmerlin) December 12, 2021
Really just a lovely game. It makes sense why people call this game a masterpiece. I wish I could fight the Moon Presence over and over, that's probably my favorite fight.
5:26 PM
I feel so fucking good right now you don't even know. I'm watching a movie called Cat-Women Of The Moon with April right now. This movie is so perfect to me that I had to pause in the middle of it to type this. I will talk more later.
5:53 PM
This movie is so admirable. I have the hiccups again. I don't know when I lost them before but they're back somehow. Anyway, Cat-Women Of The Moon is so beautiful. It's probably one of the most visually appealing movies I've seen of black-and-white films.
10:34 PM
April, David, and I watched these 2 Nigerian films in sequence because the 2nd one was the sequel and was bundled with the first. Really crazy Christian "We will scare you with demonic imagery" type of movie, but ultimately I thought barely anything of it. There was a moment though, where... I'm going to say a demonic force appeared in the form of a bulge effect on screen in front of her car, which she walked into, and it made her flash into different colors for 2 to 3 frames and then stopped. This is easily my favorite moment. If you want to watch these 2 movies, it's called "666- (Beware, The End Is At Hand)" and is on Archive.org at the time of writing this.