12:20 PM

I feel awful today. Mentally I'm great but physically there is something wrong with me. I'm just very sick feeling. I'm playing Dark Souls III to get better though.

3:35 PM

I'm so hungry right now. I'm waiting for my family to get back from getting a heater for the fishy and they're coming with Panera Bread for me. Hyyyppppeeeddd!!!! I feel better from earlier, I'm even more excited for the food because I know for a fact it's going to give me the energy I need to run on the treadmill. I've just felt so weak and nauseous all day. I think there's no direction to go but up.

6:53 PM

I've eaten and worked out and showered but there is a terror striking me. Though I can just ride it out in my bed.

8:00 PM

Listening to Union by Yes in a change of tune. This album is like panning for gold.

8:48 PM

Listening to Open Your Eyes by Yes now. This album is like yumming for food.

10:16 PM

Listening to Quaristice by Autechre with some friends. This album saved me.