12:57 PM
I'm about to leave for Planned Parenthood so I don't have much time to write but I just needed to put down somewhere that today has actually been super chill. The guy that did the car inspection was super cool and he had a huge beard that he probably uses to fix cars. Hormones here I come!!!
5:24 PM
Planned Parenthood was so exhausting. I sat there for like an hour waiting for someone to take my blood, and when I went to the pharmacy they didn't even have my hormones. I've had some problems with this pharmacy before so I kind of want to change pharmacies, but I can't call Planned Parenthood because they closed 24 minutes ago, and I don't even know if I can change pharmacies over the phone, I shouldn't even need to anyway because I only pick up refills every 3 months. If they don't have my hormones by later tonight I definitely want to call tomorrow and see if I can. I'm surprised the hormone appointment was more mentally gruelling than the car inspection. The pharmacy didn't even have my address right. I'm going to see if my mom can take me over to the pharmacy later.
6:27 PM
I got the text that my perscription is ready for pickup which I forgot they even texted me. I'll definitely have my mom take me over there to pick it up. I'm going to eat so much estrogen!!! Also, the endocrinologist said that in 3 months I might be going on progesterone which is exciting. Let's play!!!
7:49 PM
Just picked up my hormones ^_^ I going play MGSV now.