12:11 PM
Hi ladies and boys I'm having fun rn living life. Thinking of putting my hair up. I need to brush it first though so I'm going to do that. I'm also waiting for my girlfriend to wake up because she's so sleepy. I had a dream last night I was an assassin in my sleep. As in I would go to bed in the dream and I would sleepwalk as an assassin and take people out for money. I was so convinced this was real because like that feeling when you wake up and you feel like you're so exhausted and in so much pain I was like... Must be work injuries.
12:36 PM
My life couldn't be better rn. April woke up and I showed her my outfit and I brushed my hair and put it up and I feel like I look nice. I'll put some of the results down below.
One is taller than the other because the image on the right felt very confident.
I'm super hungry now. It's lunchtime anyway so I'll figure something out to eat. I'm listening to Katamari Forever OST rn. Some of these tracks have super cool percussion.
2:32 PM
I just wanna thank God and my stepdad Chris real quick for the amazing lunch I just had. I feel amazing.
8:16 PM
In call with my friends. Just had my first full-on conversation with a friend's friend and she's pretty cool. If you are reading this GTFO. Just kidding haha Anyway I'm done playing Picross and Nintendo Switch for today. I spent a good amount of today doing that. Lots of puzzles destroyed and buttons pressed. I had a yummy dinner as well. Swag meal mommy made it etc. Have a good day my tiny friends