2:11 PM
Oh website we're really in it now. I could really use a turkey sandwich in this instance. I've been suffering from a virus known as Windows 11, and I don't mean computer virus, I mean a viral infection throughout my body. I'm turning red, cold sweat, nausea, dizziness, throwing up, exploding, all sorts of stuff that Microsoft wants you to experience. I don't want to get into the details because I already tweeted about it. Like a birdy. Something I think is I should put some pictures on my main page of my website. I'd really like that.
2:20 PM
I think what I'm going to do to ease my pain is do what I've done for the past few days and listen to my Youtube Albums and play Picross. That might be the only thing on earth that can quell me right now. Besides my lovely girlfriend waking up.
2:26 PM
Yeah okay. Life isn't so bad. Do yourself a favor and listen to Kagutaba by Kagutaba.
3:22 PM
Thank you Ron Carter and Jim Hall for your Telepathy record. I feel so mellowed out for real. I keep thinking about tricking out my home page and making it cool. One of these days I'll think a lot about it and plan it and execute it and fix it.