8:36 AM
Hi guys. So this morning has already been pretty eventful. I actually woke up a lot last night I remember going to sleep at like midnight, waking up somewhere around 2:30, then 5:00, then 7:00. I didn't go back to sleep then because I felt like that was good enough to be awake. I laid in bed for a good while and at like 7:30 I got up and the first thing I did was take a shower, like, before I brushed my teeth. It was pretty exciting. Anyway I got myself breakfast and went outside and found a little bee drowning in our blow up pool. I saved its life with leaves. I hope that guy remembers me and loves me. Although probably not. I didn't let it touch me because ew! Boys are so weird. Anyway. I'm listening to some Yes and the songs are like... particularly good sounding this morning it's so weird. After I'm done listening to them I plan on listening to &ME. Unfortunately I don't think he was inspired by the little forever baby that was the baby ape. I can forgive him for this though. Something I've found is from his spotify page he does NOT make music alone. Like it's either all remixes or collabs. Which is cool but like this guy is so intriguing to me. I found him on GTA radio. Now what am I supposed to do but listen?
Also this post's title is inspired by the guy from Astro Boy with a gun for a head.

Basically I love him. He's my best friend.
11:13 AM
So I ended up getting bored of &ME and listened to Exai by Autechre but I got bored of that halfway through and watched Silent Hill videos. So I'm happy now. I have the feeling I want to move around so I might take a walk...? Today is beautiful.
12:46 PM
I love where I live because that walk was about as wet as it can get without it raining. Like the humidity is incredible. It's actually supposed to rain all week according to a lady I talked to on my walk. Wow. I never even thought that could happen. I feel like I want to make some music because of that walk now. I don't know if I will though. One thing I regret about that walk is I saw a woodpecker but couldn't manage to get a photo of it. It kept hiding from me. I need to tell him he has nothing to fear.
Listening to more Exai now. Really glad that happened. I love this show.
Btw earlier when I saved that bee the first thing it did when it was on some solid, dry ground was rub its eyes off like a lot and I've been thinking about it all day. I love you man.
5:15 PM
Officially given up on recovering my girlfriend's minecraft account. Utterly heartbroken and destroyed. I don't know if I'll ever love again. She's buying a new copy rn.